690 Veteran Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 44 Users
Noise Level 1.8 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 4.4 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 4.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 4.4 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $900 - $900

Reviews (43)

5 of 5
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Feb. 27, 2011

Some of the best years of my life were spent at 690 Veteran during undergrad at UCLA. Mimie, the apartment manager, was AMAZING. She was very attentive to our concerns and tried her very best to address our requests in a timely manner. There seemed to be a lot of older students and professionals living in this complex, so the complex was mostly quiet and parties were kept to a minimum.


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Feb. 26, 2011

The apartment is a short walking distance to campus (15 mins) or the campus shuttle stop on Weyburn (5-10 mins). The units have hardwood floors, which are great for easy clean-up. In addition, the manager Mimie is very friendly and does her best to accommodate the tenants. I recommend this building!


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May 20, 2010

I lived here for two years and really enjoyed it. The building is clean, spacious, and the manager, Mimie is great! She's responsive and very sweet! It's a fairly quiet building and is about a 10 minute walk to campus. There's also parking available with all the units. I highly recommend! =)


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Overall Rating
Based on 44 Users
Noise Level 1.8 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 4.4 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 4.8 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 4.4 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Trash

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