516 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $900 - $900

Reviews (123)

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Lease Year: 2020
Oct. 29, 2020

Had a great experience here! Moe was wonderful, and my apartment was great. I kept it pretty clean, so I never had any roach problems. 10/10 recommend!


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Lease Year: 2020
Oct. 23, 2020

Horrible apartment overall, don't live here if you have any choice.
- When we first moved in which was like two weeks after our lease start date because Ruthie (apartment manager) kept having an excuse on why she couldn't give us the keys (she's busy, off on that day, etc), the apartment was super dirty. The cabinets were filled with dirt, roach carcasses, and roach droppings. The floors had footprints all over it and the occasional dead and live roaches. We didn't have a closet door (it looked like it had been ripped off) and Ruthie told us we would have to pay for it if we wanted one? Ruthie assured us the walls would be painted before we moved in but it looked like a kindergartner painted the walls. There were random splotches (not even the same color) on the wall probably covering scuff marks. The bathroom was half light orange and half off white. Blinds were missing from the windows and we didn't even have a fire alarm. I had to ask her for a fire alarm before we got it.
- There are roaches everywhere and Ruthie will keep saying she's contacting the professionals but actually never does anything. The only "prevention" she ever did was put a powder behind the outlets and it wasn't even done by professionals. It was done by her and the lady that occasionally cleans the courtyard. Of course, this "prevention" did nothing for the roach problem but she'll keep telling you to wait for it to take effect. Yeah, I waited for a year and the problem still isn't solved.
- There are four washers and four dryers however at least half of them are always broken. Some sad people who had their money eaten will post a sign saying the machine is broken but Ruthie never does it. I lost at least $10 because of the broken machines. At the beginning of the year, there were also some suspicious signs saying we can't use the machines because police are currently investigating??? What happened in there? A murder?
- The noise is horrible. My apartment was facing the backyards of the apartments in landfair and there's one building which rents out to people who have parties. The parties are super loud and go on until like 4 AM. They happen frequently because it's specifically for people who want to host a party. I had finals at 8AM the next day while the party was still happening at 3 in the morning. It's not a complaint at this apartment building specifically but just know that the surrounding buildings are too noisy.
-What I'm super angry about is the security deposit. We got $710 deducted for cleaning, painting, and plumbing? First of all, we didn't damage the apartment at all and we left it in a better condition than when we moved in. She didn't even give us actual invoices for the deductions but something she typed up in Word. I asked for proof we damaged the walls and actual invoices from the companies that did the work but all she does is ignore my emails. Just for all other angry renters out there, I talked with a UCLA lawyer and she said UCLA has sued Diopharm before for unfairly deducting from security deposits but they're still doing it. There's a one year statute of limitations on filing a court claim and when you sue, you can sue for 3x the amount they failed to give back. For current renters, take lots of pictures. Take pictures of the poor conditions, the roaches, and everything you want to sue for. Keep contacting Ruthie and save all your communication. It's sad that they keep taking advantage of students just because many of us move back home after the lease ends and don't have the capability to come back to LA to sue.


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Lease Year: 2020
Oct. 21, 2020

**the photo on this page is of 519 Glenrock, not 516. 516 Glenrock, the building that all these reviews are for, is the brown building across the street.**

please DO NOT LIVE HERE. It may seem doable for the price but don't ignore the warning signs. A short list of some of the things we had to deal with during our one year living here:
-Upon move in, our apartment was in terrible condition, holes and scratches in the walls, broken screen door, broken blinds, thermostat was ripped out of the wall so we had no AC, and more. They gave us the wrong mailbox key and when we told management, they told us we had to go make copies of the correct key ourself...? The only thing that ever got fixed was the AC and it took like a month.
-Cockroaches. lots of them, no matter how clean you are, they live in the building and will show up. Fumigating your unit doesn't help because the roaches just crawl elsewhere in the building and then show up again later.
- The manager, Ruthie, is awful. Seems nice enough and harmless at first but she is so incredibly slow, disorganized, and often non-responsive. She had one of my roommates' phone numbers wrong for the entire year even after we tried to tell her. Nothing ever gets done. There are so many little (sometimes big) problems in this building that never get addressed and it's extremely frustrating.
-Even if maintenance finally does come to your apartment, nothing ever really gets fixed. Once water was leaking from our bathroom ceiling and they told us that it was from the AC so we should just stop using the AC. Clogged drains that are "fixed" get re-clogged in a matter of days.
-The building's water/hot water would randomly go out without and notice for hours or a full day. We were never notified of it, other than the manager literally screaming it down the apartment hallways.
-Apartment was always dirty and run down, really not well kept. There was an actual piece of poop in the hallway outside our apartment by the garbage disposal for days. Elevators are sketchy and the laundry room is sketchier. Half the washers and driers are consistently nonfunctional, the few that do work don't work correctly and ruin your clothes or leave them soaking wet. The laundry room was closed for "police activity" for weeks???
-After all this, management will still try to scam you out of your security deposit. Most Westwood apartments do this to some extent, but it is especially offensive after we lived in such a shit hole all year. Charging us hundreds for painting and cleaning when we moved into a dirty mess :-)


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Lease Year: 2020
Oct. 16, 2020

This was my first apartment living off campus – I did not accept my UCLA housing offer on time for my sophomore year, so I was forced to look for something quickly and cheaply. This was honestly one of the worst housing experiences of my life. The apartment and rooms are definitely livable, but just barely. Walking in (2019) there was roaches, black stuff on the edge of the bathroom sink, blinds that broke when you moved them the slightest, no dishwasher, and a small laundry room in the garage that automatically turns off its lights every few minutes.

Throughout the year, the roaches never left despite them coming in to fumigate, the "amenities," such as the pool, were always dirty, I once saw a roach in a laundry machine, there was constantly at least one if not two broken laundry machines (out of five), and same thing with the dryers (one time I walked in and two were out of use because the LAPD was investigating them and I WISH I was kidding), the key I was given to the front door stopped working for whatever reason. It was just the worst, and please excuse my poor grammar. If you have Any choice in your housing situation, do yourself a favor and do not opt this location.


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Lease Year: 2020
Aug. 6, 2020

Spacious, but that's it. All amenities are unusable and the building manager is nice but useless.

Upon move-in, there was already black sludge/mold in all metal sections of the bathrooms. The apartment was still messy and the walls were covered in paint drip / streaks of color. The apartment is known to have a roach problem, and to counter this they put some sludge in the outlets. Not only did the sludge not work, most of our outlet covers were broken in the process. Dishwashers were removed, leaving exposed pipe and a gross empty cupboard under the sink.

Living room is spacious, and bedrooms are a decent size as well, but the building itself hasn't been renovated since it was built 40 years ago. The walls are paper thin so you can hear everything, and wooden beams/platforms are bursting out of the walls in many units and in the common areas as well. Common areas including stairwells are usually gross and poorly cleaned. The kitchen is SMALL, so don't expect multiple people to be able to cook at the same time. Lastly, the apartment locks haven't been changed in god knows how long, so plan to spend a good amount of time jimmying your key in the lock to unlock your door.


Of the two elevators, one was broken the entire year, and the other was constantly down for repair.
Laundry machines damage clothes, and only when they're actually working. Only about two washers and dryers are functioning at any time.
The pool and spa were unusable the entire year. Up until February, the spa was calcified at the bottom so you'd cut yourself even getting in, and after being cleared, the heat function still doesn't work and it remains dirty. After the pool was finally cleaned and no longer green, it still remained disgusting. I'd say both have been cleaned probably twice in the past year. Don't plan to use these amenities.

Ruthie is relatively quick to respond to you, and is very nice but also pretty useless. Most problems are just brushed off, and some things like a broken a/c won't be dealt with until legal action is threatened.

At $3500/month, it's spacious, but that's it. This shouldn't be anyone's 1st, 2nd or even 5th choice. But honestly, there are worse places in Westwood.


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Lease Year: 2020
Aug. 1, 2020

Here is the truth. The units are spacious but the review below looks fake. No one is happy here. There is roaches (so prepare to be sprayed inside your unit all the time which still doesn’t solve the problem). The pool is filthy you can’t swim in it or the jacuzzi. The manager acts nice but doesn’t get anything done. We immediately wanted to break our lease when we arrived and ended up subletting. Saving a little money was not worth it by choosing this place that has so many issues with plumbing roaches and is dirty.


5 1 Please log in to provide feedback.
Lease Year: 2020
July 23, 2020

Good apartment and a fun place to live. Big living room and bedrooms, plus a walk-in closet. Nice sized balconies too. Overall a good apartment!


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Lease Year: 2020
July 22, 2020

When I first moved into this apartment, I was told it would be cleaned when I arrived, however the bathrooms were gross, as were the appliances, and there were roaches in the kitchen and the bedroom. The apartment manager had also ripped out all of the dishwashers in the building just days before I arrived and said they would not replace them, leaving a roach-infested cupboard and exposed piping in the kitchen. The showers were rotted with black sludge and drain flies were a constant problem, as were the drains themselves, which were constantly clogged by even simple handwashing.

Design-wise, the living room was very spacious and the bedrooms were good sized, but the kitchen was painfully small and very hard to use if you cook often, especially with there being no dishwasher. If you are considering living here, I recommend getting an apartment with a west-facing balcony on the 3rd or 4th floor for beautiful sunset views of the ocean.

The elevators in the building were broken all year long, with one elevator permanently out of service for about 10 months. They are finally being fixed, but that is the only renovation you will find anywhere in the building, if you can call it that. The laundry room was filthy and some machines were permanently broken, while others would run for 40 minutes without washing or drying your clothes at all. At one point in the year most of the machines were covered with tape with signs that said "Do not tamper, evidence under criminal investigation." We received no explanation for this. Crime was high in the building, and I had multiple packages stolen throughout the year, as well as the lock on the door to my apartment did not work at all during the entire year. There is a disgusting pool and hot tub in the back of the building which are completely unusable and infested with filth.

The apartment manager is responsive and lives in the apartment building, so she is easily reached most of the week.

This apartment is overpriced at $3600 for a two bed, two bath, and for all of its problems, I would not live here again.


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Lease Year: 2019
Oct. 22, 2019

The apartment is spacious but that's about it that's good. Everything else? Horrible! they have a cockroach problem in the building and it is so disgusting. They've "fumigated" but all they do is put some gel in the outlets. The laundry machines are always breaking down or don't work well. We've told Ruthie (the landlord) about the problem with the roaches but seems to not care or take it seriously. We're constantly cleaning and spraying raid but to the point that it feels unhealthy. At this point they need to renovate the entire kitchen and bathrooms because they are very gross, and there's a lot, a lot of cracks in the walls and kitchen cabinets. As soon as I moved in, I moved out because it is intolerable and unhealthy and unsafe living conditions.


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Lease Year: 2019
May 16, 2019

To the review below, we are disheartened to hear your experience. We wanted to clarify your many complaints of Ruthie. Ruthie is not Premier Student Housing and Ruthie is not an employee of Premier Student Housing. We are disappointed to hear your many frustrations with her and will address it with her supervisor.
As far as the cable goes Spectrum WiFi and Cable is the service provider for the area so this is why we strived to provide free Spectrum service for this location.
If Ruthie isn’t able to help you please send us an email so we can strive to help you with your needs and rectify this.
Thank you for the honest feedback but we question the integrity of the review and wonder if your a resident or if this is a legitimate review because we don’t include utility and you mentioned a $400 amount that sounds false or you need to call your utility provider about an error perhaps as we have never seen a utility run so high in the history of this location


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Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash

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