11070 Strathmore Dr.

Overall Rating
Based on 6 Users
Noise Level 1.8 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 1.7 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.3 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 1.7 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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1 bed
1 bath

Monthly Rent: $2300 - $2300

Reviews (6)

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Lease Year: 2022
Sept. 11, 2024

Rude landlord/manager (at that time). They requested an application fee ($45) to be sent by Zelle (rather than a property management portal) before sending out any paperwork (no application form).


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Lease Year: 2021
Aug. 17, 2021

Dear Bruin Walk, this apartment building has been acquired by the company that manages the building next door (11090 Strathmore). The previous manager is no longer at the building. Please visit us as we improve the building in line with the property next door. Thank you


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Lease Year: 2021
July 27, 2021

I totally agree with the previous reviews after I have talked to the manager. He is indeed super unprofessional and rude from my experience. AVOID HIM!


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Lease Year: 2021
July 22, 2021

Jerry is actually the most unpleasant person I've ever talked to. In his FIRST email to me, he accused me of wasting his time a few months prior and renting with someone else, which would be fine if that were true. I stayed home the entire pandemic year, on the east coast 3000 miles away from Jerry and his building. I had never even considered renting until two weeks ago when UCLAhousing offers came out. I tried to clear up the misunderstanding and instead of moving on with discussing the unit, he doubled down and claimed I was lying (like why? he's so weird for that)

He stated he had all the prospective tenant emails on file and that he had mine on file, which he claimed was definitive proof the person a few months ago was me, except the reason he had my email on file was because I sent an inquiry in a few days ago about a 2 bedroom apartment. Like...I don't think he knows how technology works lol. He then claimed he understood why my previous housint plans fell through (Maybe he thought it was a reflection of my character and an insult, but ucla housing is literally a lottery lol). Really weird and rude guy who seems to not be able to admit to his mistakes, I'd assume if you rented with him he'd try to gaslight you into believing your utilities/unit didn't have issues or you didn't deserve to have your security deposit back.

Overall super weird experience, all the other building managers I've talked to were really nice and helpful (and definitely didn't accuse me of wasting their time a few months back before we even had contact). I'd recommend looking elsewhere since Westwood has sooo many options (and this place doesn't have great amenities and is further from UCLA campus if you are a student) and I've actually talked to super nice and accommodating people from rentwestwood and even just apartments.com


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Lease Year: 2020
July 30, 2020

I'm so glad we chose NOT to rent an apartment here. All we did was request an application, in the middle of apartment hunting, but then ended up going with another apartment. I immediately emailed to say "thank you" and that we had decided to go with another apartment. Jerry ( the apartment manager who had been hounding us with emails and unsolicited photos) responded with "Thanks for the waste of time." Unbelievably unprofessional. We hadn't even sent him the application, or requested a tour, or ANYTHING. I can almost guarantee he is this rude and condescending in person, too. Thank goodness we won't encounter him in the future, but it is a very bad sign for renting here.


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July 9, 2016

I've waited a long time to write this review because my experience was so traumatic, and I've just recently begun feeling comfortable with looking back on my time there. While I will admit that I was uneducated in certain aspects of tenant law, I have admission from my roommate that I was intentionally deceived by her and the landlord. I will note that I'd be willing to change this review if any of the problems are rectified, but it might be too long over to do anything about it.

To start off, everything going into the apartment was great, and even after the first year I had no problems. The process was simple, the landlord was straightforward, and the premises were clean, safe, and quiet by college standards, but the price was definitely not worth it if proximity to Westwood/UCLA isn't a priority for you. I would like to say that the maintenance crew was fantastic throughout--kind, courteous, friendly, and good at their jobs.

It was really the last year that some terrible, unfair choices were made on management's end in collusion with my roommate (who I learned after the fact was feeding her and her abusive boyfriend's drug habit).
My bi-annual family reunion, my college graduation, and the end of my lease there were happening right around the same time. I gave our notice over 1 month in advance to the landlord and notified my roommate (in person and via text, before and all during my reunion) that I would be coming back early from my family reunion specifically to clean the apartment before the exit inspection.

While I was away, I was told by the landlord that--even though I paid the entire deposit--he legally had to split the deposit between both tenants. Since my roommate told me she'd just send me the money as soon as she got it, I went ahead and told him that was fine. One less thing for me to deal with during all this hecticness.

When I get back, the entire apartment is cleaned and my roommate is expecting compensation for "leaving without helping to clean." I refused, telling her that I specifically cut short my time with family to come back and clean so thanks, but no.

A few days later, I heard my roommate and her boyfriend arguing, he started slamming things around and I barged in, concerned for my roommate (he'd hit her before) and afraid that he'd punch ANOTHER hole in the wall right before the exit inspection. He proceeded to get in my face and tell me it was none of my business, and I told him right back that it was my business if the stuff he broke was going to come out of my deposit.
He then proceeded to slam me up against the wall, and he made like he was gonna hit me too but my boyfriend shoved him away before he could.

Fast forward through some harsh words and legal action that essentially couldn't go anywhere due to lack of funds (ironically), my ex-roommate, in all her spite and rage, gloated to me via email that she went behind my back while I was at my family reunion, lied to the landlord and let him think I just up and left without cleaning the place and that he felt sorry for her so he'd help her get some of my deposit.

I got cheated out of $500 of my deposit from these lowlifes. No integrity, stay away.


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Overall Rating
Based on 6 Users
Noise Level 1.8 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 1.7 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 1.3 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 1.7 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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