Strathmore Towers

Overall Rating
Based on 69 Users
Noise Level 3.7 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 4.7 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 4.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 4.1 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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1 bed
N/A bath

Monthly Rent: $2250 - $2254

Reviews (68)

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Aug. 14, 2015

worst apartment ever.the only thing they ever did right is changing the manager. The manager is a good person. However, they have the worst company. i would never think about move to this apartment again. when I moved in, lots of stuff is on the edges of not working. The previous manager refuse to changed it for me. He told me it is still working so I won't change it for you. After I move out, I forward my mail to my new address since I don't know where I am gonna live that time. So I wrote my old address which was the apartment. I waited for 21 days and received nothing and nobody ever contacted me during this time. When I called them they said that's not your correct address so they didn't sent out! If I didn't call back they gonna kept my deposit! After I got my deposit back they charge 250 for painting and 150 for cleaning, which is a lot and I cleaned before I moved out! I called them first time and asked back my 250 because I had update my lease, so they shouldn't charge me. I also asked for invoice for cleaning fee. It listed they charge cleaning fee 80 for almost all the apartment and 100 for acid wash and removing caulking. I called them and asked them why they charge me that and it is not reasonable. The man just yelled at me though the phone. he said that's what we do, if you don't agree, just sue us! who cares! our company have been here for 30 years and nobody ever sue us! what the hell is that! if it is not a big amount of money, who wants to spend a lot to hire a lawyer! according to California law, if the tenant kept the apartment as clean as when they move in, you shouldn't be charged any cleaning fees when you move out. And they charge a flat fee for all apartment even though it is clean! for dirty apartment, you will have a nightmare when you got back your deposit! There are a lot of choice outside. If you can get some other places, do not go to this one!


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Aug. 30, 2012

Horrible manager. He's rude and does not help at all! When I told him to fix a window's lock, he said "it's an old building, I can help you and dont teach me what should I do." Seriously? Then I ask him if he could send somebody to clean the kitchen's fan because it's very dirty and oily. He said "everybody uses the same thing. It's working and I wont do anything about it." "And You ask too many questions, I dont like it." "I give you an discount for the rent (which is ONLY 50$ off), and I have to reconsider now. I'm not happy now." I mean, dont be so silly, OK? I cannot image why his company hire him for 16 years. You dont want to help, fine. But how can you talk to your renters like this? I am speechless and he is the most terrible person I met in my life. I pay for the rent, and I am responsible for the contract. But how can a MANAGER act like this? supercilious and terrible. I'm so regret to rent this apt, and I have to stay here for a year. I will definitely move out once the contract ends.


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Aug. 17, 2012

Worst exp ever!!! Live here only if you want to get screwed. listing the truth:
1. Manager is a complete jerk/trash who just want to play games and keep taking advantage from you/ur wallet. $$$$
2. Manager never in his office therefore if you need him you will have to knock on his apt door and usually you will be told the following : You are uneducated and you are violating my privacy. (it is his working hour but he is in his room instead of office)
3. Manager screw you on the security deposit. My neighbor only got 10% of his deposit back, while he did not break anything and thoroughly cleaned his place. and I got 20 % while my apt is in his original condition when i returned it. He charged me on broken parts while those were broken before i moved in!!!
4. the pool is the dirtiest ever, noone goes there. it makes u think u will have skin cancer if you ever touched that water. it has been like that the whole yr but he kinda cleaned it couple weeks ago since he is trying to lease it. It is still horribly dirty but it can fool people if they dont give it a closer look.
5. the back gate has been broken the whole year and he fixed it last week. so all of us can not get in from there. again you know the reason why he suddenly fixed it after left it broken the whole yr.
6. my place is very small studio 1300 per month. NO HEAT NO AC.
7. too many other nasty details about this manager which caused inconvenience of tenants as well as unpleasant exp. not going to list here but you will get an idea once you talk to him yourself.


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April 15, 2012

Horrible manager. He is very rude and unapproachable. He is also racist. He will make your experience horrible.

As for the apartment, rooms are really small, price is really high. Make sure not to let him rip you off. He will ask you to pay 1650 for a small one-bedroom. Don't do it.

Also, the pool is nice, but the manager doesn't allow any guests, not even your sister, your brother, or your gf or bf. He has a camera, so dont even try it. In addition, there is never good sun light because of its awkward location.

The only good thing about this apartment is its location and the security. He has cameras everywhere and keeps the entrances locked.


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July 1, 2011

I liked the area and the apartment itself. Neighbors were all pretty friendly. But when I moved in the apartment was not clean.

WARNING: Worst apartment manager. He never gives more than a couple hours notice about everything.He changed the lock on our mailbox and one of the entrances without saying a word or giving another key. He also personally insulted my car because it leaked oil- ok understandable because it made a mess, but his demeanor and attitude were rude and unhelpful. Now he's trying to keep our security deposit because of some surprise loophole.


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April 13, 2011

sounded awesome at first. we paid 1500/month and an extra 100 for another parking spot, which I now know is a total rip off. sometimes (most) its quiet. very quiet. never seen anybody in the pool. BUT thursdays and through the weekend it's VERY loud. you're on frat row.
the manager is really bad at communication.
the building seems super sketchy ... those elevators? wow.
lights out in the halls for a really long time with their exposed innards, crumbling wall stuff all over the place.
not sure on the smoking policy...
when someone cooks, you can smell it on the entire floor
all in all most of these complaints are pretty typical. but still....


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March 7, 2011

Just say no


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June 22, 2009

Amazing Views and Great Location!!!!


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Overall Rating
Based on 69 Users
Noise Level 3.7 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 4.7 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 4.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 4.1 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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  • Water

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