Strathmore Towers

Overall Rating
Based on 69 Users
Noise Level 3.7 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 4.7 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 4.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 4.1 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Laundry
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1 bed
N/A bath

Monthly Rent: $2250 - $2254

Reviews (68)

6 of 7
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Nov. 20, 2016

WHy does the average rent say 4,000?!?! That's so inaccurate! It should be around 2,000 for a one bedroom, this building doesn't even have two bed rooms to be that expensive.


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Nov. 20, 2016

I believe this apartment building had a horrible tenant a couple years ago. If you guys are reading bad ratings about the landlord, it's probably the older one. The NEW landlord, Danny, is soooo chill. He goes above and beyond to make sure his tenants are living comfortably. He always picks up his phone, and if not he'll make sure to call you back. I lived here starting Fall 2015, until I graduated in Spring 2016. After I left the apartment, my roommate still had a year left and she is now continuing the lease because she loves the apartment and is so comfortable with the landlord and all the tenants. We love Danny! He's so funny and easy going. Literally he keeps the apartment building so clean and has ZERO tolerance for any loud tenants that cause any disruptions. This guy will tell you things how they are, he's honest, straightforward, but more importantly he will listen to your needs help. Again, if you're reading bad ratings, it's about the old manager, who didn't give a cra* about the building and left. Danny is nothing like that. This apartment building is also 5 minutes away from school, super close and convenient. Some of the apartments are renovated, ours was and we loved it! So glad I decided to live here my senior year. As students, we have a lot on our plate going on at school and that's enough stress, so no one wants to deal with issues regarding their living situation. Thankfully, our year went by so smoothly, Danny saved us a lot of headaches, especially since I spent most of my time at my apartment during my undergrad at UCLA.


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Nov. 1, 2016

I've lived in Strathmore Towers for 2 years now and I can't imagine leaving anywhere else in Westwood. The apartment is so close to campus, which is a big plus. But the apartments are also really nice. my apartment has dark wood floors, a nice paint scheme, and granite type material in the kitchen. Overall, very modern look. The laundry facilities are always available and clean. The pool area is amazing as well.

The manager, Danny, is a really nice guy and he truly cares about his tenants. He is always available when needed and never fails to make your experience at Strathmore tower the best it can be. He throws parties within the tenants during the beginning of fall quarter and New Years. I thought this was a great thing because it gives you a chance to get to know others in the complex.


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Oct. 26, 2016

Strathmore towers is a really quiet and clean apartment to live in. No issues since I moved in in 2015. The manager's nice and is on top of everything. The whole building is cleaned once a week which is nice and there are cameras everywhere so it's also safe. Would definitely recommend this place to anyone


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Oct. 19, 2016

This is also my second year living here, which is also the time that the new manager Donny came. I,ll have to say that the whole building is old that there is no AC in my apartment. However, Donny did not rise our rent when we resign with him, this is part of the reason made my stayed. Donny is truly responsible for everything happened in the building. He tries to keep the whole building as quiet, secure, and clean as possible, and he solves the whatever maintenance issue in my apartment right after I dropped any notes, looks like he lives in the box, lol. The building is the closest place to campus but just outside of the Frats area. It is sometimes a little loud when Frats have parties, but it will be quiet during the sleep time. Therefore, really nice manager, extremely closed to campus, really low rent, and impressively safe. If that are all you need, this is the one.


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Oct. 13, 2016

This is my second year living in the Strathmore Tower. This place is not fancy, but safe and nice enough for students with less budget. By the way, the living room is HUGE! It's just two blocks away from campus, which is great for not commuting to school. Rent price has gone up all over in the Westwood this year, but the manager Danny didn't raise a single penny for our rent. Danny came to manage this place last year. I heard the former manager did a terrible job managing the apartment, but for Danny I haven't had any issue with. He is in the building most of the time, so if you run into anything or need to fix something in your apartment, you can reach him either by phone or in person. Highly recommended!


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Oct. 4, 2016

I have lived here for over a year now. The apartment got a new landlord about the same time as I moved in, and he has been nothing but helpful and on top of everything, and he really seems to care about his residents! I am pretty sure the bad reviews on here were about the previous manager who was, from what I hear, quite a sketchy guy and would take advantage of the residents here. The new landlord, even throws annual "Get to know your neighbor" parties, which I think is really cool. It feels like this complex is becoming more of a culturally diverse community, rather than just some random people who live in the same building as you.

When you walk in the front door, the main lobby has a very up-scale/jungle feel to it due to the live foliage growing there. Going deeper into the complex, you'll see the pool area is also very beautiful, with lots of seating and decorative tropical plants to make it feel more like a pool you'd see at a hotel! The place was built in the 50's, so some of the design is pretty historic and cool (if you like that sort of thing) but, it is still well taken care of!

The residents here all are younger "Student-aged" people, and they are very friendly, so far. There aren't ever really any noise complaints in the building, but sometimes you can hear the police trying to quiet down the fraternity houses up the street. All in all, it is an amazing spot near campus for UCLA students to live, I would recommend it to anyone!

The new landlord is on top of things like I said. I have lived in places in the past where something in the apartment will break, and I have to put in a work order that won't get taken care for months; IF, I even get ahold of the landlord. Here, I have had people fixing it by the next morning, and it was just super convenient.

Compared to what I saw a year ago, this place is definitely up-and-coming, and I look forward to seeing what the future brings for Strathmore Towers!


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Sept. 23, 2016

Excellent apartment. Great new manager, very efficient at getting things done quickly and on time. large rooms. most of the rooms have been remodeled. Its close to the fraternities so it can get very loud when they have a party but otherwise everyone in the building is very quiet. There are also cool pool parties every so often :)


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Sept. 23, 2016

If you go on Dictionary.com and type in the word "Perfect", the definition would be Strathmore Towers. From the landlord to the pool this place has got it all. There is even laundry on site and the dryers are the most powerful dryers in Westwood. Now the pool might not be an Olympic sized pool, but it gets the job done. The people that live at Strathmore Towers are the best. Listen, in the world we have rocket ships and spaceships, but what I can guarantee is that there is nothing greater than friendships. That is what you get when you live at Strathmore Towers, friendships that last eternities and music from the next door fraternities. Are you ready to live at Strathmore Towers?


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May 18, 2016

The worst of all is the MANAGER:
Yes he lives on-site. BUT he is always NOT AVAILABLE. He said he got two jobs so he can't be there when we needed him to be, and his attitude was very arrogant. His tone seemed like it's normal that he was not reachable because he had to work on another job as well.

Our apartment always has problems like water leakage, garage pump broken, shower head stuck and dirty, shower tub door broken off etc. and it took time for us to reach the manager. The only way to talk to him is through phone BUT he RARELY picks up his phone.

THE WORST THING IS HE PAID NO RESPECT FOR TENANTS. Everytime he dropped of packages by the door, he would bang on the door and the doorbell. And he yelled at our names. well the list goes on.



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Overall Rating
Based on 69 Users
Noise Level 3.7 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 4.7 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 4.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 4.1 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Laundry
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  • Water

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